Valerie Garza is a valued member of our staff who is committed to helping our clients physically heal and release the stresses associated with both addiction and recovery. Substance use disorders can affect a person mentally, emotionally, and physically. Valerie is a qualified Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP), as well as a Certified Massage Therapist (CMT). Valerie has completed more than 1,000 training hours at the International Professional School of Bodywork and the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine.
The techniques she has learned and developed as an HHP, as well as her skills as a CMT, allow her to provide a unique skill set to our care at the Lilac Recovery Center. Valerie has spent over a decade practicing in San Diego. She has developed a strong reputation for providing a high-quality physical therapeutic massage that opens the doorway for a meditative experience. This experience allows those receiving her treatment to feel physical relief. They also learn to focus inwardly to improve emotional and mental health and awareness. Her well-balanced approach to custom-tailored massage provides physical relief from stress and relaxation.